Course Overview
Windows User Mode Exploit Development (EXP-301) is a course that teaches learners the basics of modern exploit development. Despite being a fundamental course, it is at the 300 level because it relies on substantial knowledge of assembly and low level programming. It begins with basic buffer overflow attacks and builds into learning the skills needed to crack the critical security mitigations protecting enterprises. Learners who complete the course and pass the exam earn the OffSec Exploit Developer (OSED) certification. The OSED is one of three certifications making up the OSCE³ certification along with the OSEP for advanced penetration testing and OSWE for web
Target Audience
- Penetration Testers
- Exploit Developers
- Security Researchers
- Malware Analysts
- Software Developers Working On Security Products
Course Objectives
- Learn the fundamentals of reverse engineering
- Create custom exploits
- Develop the skills to bypass security mitigations
- Write handmade Windows shellcode
- Adapt older techniques to more modern versions of Windows
- Familiarity with debuggers (ImmunityDBG, OllyDBG)
- Familiarity with basic exploitation concepts on 32-bit
- Familiarity with writing Python 3 code
- Ability to read and understand C code at a basic level
- Ability to read and understand 32-bit Assembly code at a basic level
5 days
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Course Outline
Windows User Mode Exploit Development: General Course Information
About the EXP301 Course
Provided Materials
Overall Strategies for Approaching theCourse
About the EXP301 VPN Labs
About the OSED Exam
Wrapping Up
WinDbg and x86 Architecture
Introduction to x86 Architecture
Introduction to Windows Debugger
Accessing and Manipulating Memoryfrom WinDbg
Controlling the Program Execution inWinDbg
Additional WinDbg Features
Wrapping Up
Exploiting Stack Overflows
Stack Overflows Introduction
Installing the Sync Breeze Application
Crashing the Sync Breeze Application
Win32 Buffer Overflow Exploitation
Wrapping Up
Exploiting SEH Overflows
Installing the Sync Breeze Application
Crashing Sync Breeze
Analyzing the Crash in WinDbg
Introduction to Structured ExceptionHandling
Structured Exception HandlerOverflows
Wrapping Up
Introduction to IDA Pro
IDA Pro 101
Working with IDA Pro
Wrapping Up
Overcoming Space Restrictions: Egghunters
Crashing the Savant Web Server
Analyzing the Crash in WinDbg
Detecting Bad Characters
Gaining Code Execution
Finding Alternative Places to StoreLarge Buffers
Finding our Buffer – The EgghunterApproach
Improving the Egghunter PortabilityUsing SEH
Wrapping Up
Creating Custom Shellcode
Calling Conventions on x86
The System Call Problem
Finding kernel32.dll
Resolving Symbols
NULLFree Position-IndependentShellcode PIC
Reverse Shell
Wrapping Up
Reverse Engineering for Bugs
Installation and Enumeration
Interacting with Tivoli StorageManager
Reverse Engineering the Protocol
Digging Deeper to Find More Bugs
Wrapping Up
Stack Overflows and DEP Bypass
Data Execution Prevention
Return Oriented Programming
Gadget Selection
Bypassing DEP
Wrapping Up
Stack Overflows and ASLR Bypass
ASLR Introduction
Finding Hidden Gems
Expanding our Exploit ASLR Bypass)
Bypassing DEP withWriteProcessMemory
Wrapping Up
Format String Specifier Attack Part I
Format String Attacks
Attacking IBM Tivoli FastBackServer
Reading the Event Log
Bypassing ASLR with Format Strings
Format String Specifier Attack Part II
Write Primitive with Format Strings
Overwriting EIP with Format Strings
Locating Storage Space
Getting Code Execution
Wrapping Up
Trying Harder: The Labs
Challenge 1
Challenge 2
Challenge 3
Wrapping Up