We are proud to have Tyler join us at The Technology Advancement Center through the DoD SkillBridge program, which connects returning service members to career job training opportunities. Tyler first connected with us at one of our TAC Coffee Connect networking events at TheLink facility, where his passion and enthusiasm for technology stood out. His journey with us has been one of hands-on experience in cybersecurity and operational technology. Read on to discover how Tyler began building the foundation for his future in cybersecurity at the TAC.
How did you end up at The TAC?
The way I ended up doing my skillbridge at the TAC started with me coming to a coffee and connect. I was interested in seeing what kinds of companies existed in the technology field and came with 2 other marines to try and network with people. While I was at the event, I met with Monty and we talked about the skillbridge program at the TAC and the many different areas the program could cover and the exposure I could get to new technologies based on my interests. After our talk, I submitted all the paperwork and got approved to complete my program with the TAC!
What was your job title and a description of your role?
My role at the TAC is Cyber Operations Specialist. This position provides hands-on, real-world experience with business processes and systems that are valuable to various technology roles and employers in the civilian sector. My responsibilities include conducting cyber threat intelligence research, performing vulnerability assessments, working with operational technologies, and more. These experiences are helping me develop new skills that will be invaluable as I transition to a career outside the military
What are some projects you’ve worked on?
One of the projects I’ve been involved in is the weekly Small Business Wednesday meetings. These meetings have given me the opportunity to network with small businesses addressing real-world challenges while also honing my skills in interview-like scenarios. Another project I’ve worked on focuses on network infrastructure, including the migration and installation of servers and critical equipment. This has provided me with a deeper understanding of the setup required to support essential business operations and emphasized the importance of properly configuring and documenting network devices.
What is your overall experience of the Skillbridge Program at The TAC?
My experience at the TAC has been excellent. The most valuable aspect of my time here has been the exposure to the ICS/SCADA field. While my role in the military focused primarily on Information Technology, I’ve always had an interest in the Operational Technology side of cybersecurity. The TAC has provided me with the resources I needed to explore this area further. I highly recommend the SkillBridge program at the TAC for anyone looking to expand not only their cybersecurity knowledge but also gain critical business skills, which will help them better market themselves during the transition to civilian life.
About The DOD SkillBridge Program:
The DOD SkillBridge program gives service members the chance to gain valuable civilian work experience. It offers specific industry training, apprenticeships or internships during the last 180 days of military service. The program connects service members with industry partners in real-world job experiences.